Thursday, June 2, 2011

Awkward stairs

Quite a long day at the office today, but thankfully, my great company made it a pleasurable experience. Our two hour meeting kicked off with current event trivia. Dana and I paired up to earn second place, but in fact, I contributed absolutely nothing, so Dana is the true winner. Shane had purchased candy as prizes which we quickly downed.

Before stuffing the registration packets--86 in all for IPVS--Shane treated us to pizza and ice cream treats. Kristen and I made marginal errors and finished by4:15pm, but Sarah and I stuck around late to help Lauren finish up some things and we left by 7pm. Our late commute brought unusual traffic, but luckily, the weather made waiting for the bus downright pleasant.

Lauren and I took advantage of the weather with a late run that passed through the Potomac Heritage trail, a wooded area just over the Key Bridge which passes along the Potomac River. I was surprised that I had never stumbled onto it before, but then again, that's what I love about DC: you're always encountering new people and places. I'd love to return one day for a hike.

On our way back onto campus, we were stopped by a reporter who was looking to capture resident's reactions about last night's armed robberies which took place in Georgetown. Not only was this a shocking story (which we had heard nothing of), but the interview caught us totally off guard. The reporter was from ABC channel 7, so keep your eyes peeled for our video.
Read more about the story (and see my name mentioned) here:

One final note for today: Georgetown is home to some of the most awkward stairs. I encounter these stairs every day on my way to and from work and let me tell you, they are just as awkward on the way down as they are on the way up. The landings are too large for alternating your lead foot as you would normally, but not big enough to produce any additional paces on any one landing. I am baffled.

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